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In this post I’ll be discussing our most recent arrangement for our shared triple bunk children’s bedroom.

We live in a pretty small rental house, and there are realistically two bedrooms. There’s a third room, but it’s a walkthrough space, and we have tried it being the primary bedroom, the girls’ room, Rudy’s room (it was his the longest!), but since it is the only way to access our backyard and laundry (in the garage), it just didn’t make sense to continue using it as such. We made the extra room into a play/extra space and now all the kids (minus Dahlia) are in one room! We keep this space for sleep, rest, and getting dressed.

Ru also didn’t do great sleeping by himself. He woke up a *a lot* and so we finally just went ahead and put him on the floor of the girls’ room for a month to see if that would help at all… low and behold, it did! We sold their super cute beds and then ordered this triple bunk. I was truthfully really weary of it. I thought it would be too tall or scary for the girls… or just, would topple over or something.

DJ ended up securing the bunks to the studs in the wall and they’re super sturdy. They don’t budge a single bit! And the girl who’s up top loves it. She thinks it’s fun to be so high… so after a bit of time passing, I can honestly say we love this setup! Again, our home is fairly little (obviously not as small as the camper was), so we have to be creative with how we utilize space. There was no possible way to put three beds in the kids room, and we entertained the idea of a full + a twin, but there is also a floor vent or closet that would be covered if we went that route. My husband convinced me to give the triple bunk idea a chance, and he was right. It was the right move!

We have been sleeping on an Avocado Green Mattress since Rudy was a newborn. We knew we eventually wanted to upgrade the kids to their new Eco Organic Mattresses and thankfully this was the prefect time to do so! We are so blessed to have partnered with them as we did this, but their products are worth every bit of penny pinching and saving/waiting for.

The kids mattresses are nice and lightweight, and made with materials I feel so good about. The bunks are not as hard to make as I anticipated they would be! Because of the wood slats, we just lift the mattress to pull the fitted sheet over from under the bed. I’m definitely not climbing up the beds to put the sheets on, ha. We just have pillows and a duvet or quilt, and they are fairly easy to make look nice within just a few minutes each day.

Overall, we are very pleased with the triple bunk setup, the. new kids mattresses, and the arrangement with three children in one room! Keeping the space as a place for sleep, rest, and getting dressed also keeps any enormous messes at bay.


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